CE Film/Video Synchronizer
- Complete system
- All cables
- Mounting system
- 100 ft. of sensor cable
- ARRI interface cable
CE Speed controls
- Precision Speed control
- TV/HMI control
- Cine Check
Bartech Focus Device
- Analog version
- Cables for all cameras
- Custom ceramic focus disks
- Mounting system
- M1 motor with complete gear set
ARRI light weight focus
- For LWS rod system
- Zoom gear
- Prime gear
ARRI R1 geared grad stage
- Fits all R1 matte boxes
- (1x) 5x6 geared filter frame
- Whip with knob
Anton Bauer Dionic 160 package
- (4x) Batteries)
- TM-4 charger
- Low cycles since re-cell